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Length: 291
Sequences: 609
Seq/Len: 2.17
I_Prob: 0.00
GREMLIN Results (Scaled_score > 1):

Legend: The darker and larger the blue dots, the higher strength in coevolution.

Residue pairs sorted by strength in coevolution signal:
i j Scaled Score I_Prob
35_T 23_F 1.06 0.00
5_S 45_S 0.96 0.00
113_A 60_I 0.96 0.00
2_I 83_G 0.87 0.00
119_L 118_E 0.83 0.00
67_D 57_G 0.81 0.00
64_I 38_L 0.80 0.00
63_L 98_E 0.77 0.00
35_T 17_L 0.75 0.00
95_I 60_I 0.75 0.00
64_I 73_A 0.75 0.00
91_L 26_V 0.74 0.00
79_S 13_I 0.71 0.00
17_I 40_A 0.71 0.00
126_S 89_E 0.70 0.00
107_P 98_E 0.70 0.00
104_A 128_K 0.70 0.00
45_A 95_G 0.70 0.00
54_E 32_F 0.69 0.00
113_A 31_D 0.69 0.00
14_E 43_N 0.67 0.00
14_E 139_C 0.67 0.00
133_G 83_G 0.66 0.00
92_V 76_I 0.65 0.00
95_I 138_V 0.65 0.00
116_E 114_E 0.65 0.00
82_L 31_D 0.65 0.00
82_L 143_M 0.65 0.00
21_R 60_I 0.64 0.00
9_A 9_Q 0.64 0.00
109_R 45_S 0.63 0.00
33_T 26_V 0.63 0.00
Legend: The i (protein A) and j (protein B) are positions as given in the UniProt sequences. The value of the raw score is the function of the learning procedure, L2 normalization and APC (entropic) correction.

Scaled Score = raw_score/average(raw_scores)
I_Prob = P(contact | scaled_score, seq/len, top_inter_score)

Text file of predictions
(includes both intra and inter preds)

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