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ID: 1703726487 Query Sequence

Download Alignment
We filter this alignment to remove positions that have > 75% gaps before running GREMLIN.
Length: 702 (638)
Sequences: 2592 (1986.3)
Seq/Len: 4.063
Nf(neff/√len): 78.6

HHblits Results: (2016_02)
Sequences per length for each position, AFTER the coverage/gap filter was applied
Legend: If visible, the positions blocked in grey are regions that have > 75% gaps and were automatically trimmed and excluded in the GREMLIN analysis.

Trim query Generate MSA using: Filter MSA GREMLIN
Start: End: E-value: Iterations: Coverage: Remove gaps: Prior:

GREMLIN Results:
  • No predictions exist for 1703726487
  • Analysis in progress

Sequence Conservation (Image Generated using WebLogo v3)
Legend: Color is used to show Hydrophobicity (Blue: Hydrophilic, Green: Neutral and Black: Hydrophobic). Amount of gaps is represented by width.

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