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TOLR - Protein TolR
UniProt: P0ABV6 Sequence
Download Alignment
We filter this alignment to remove sites that have > 75% gaps before running GREMLIN.
EcoGene: EG11011
Length: 142 (133)
Sequences: 2548
Seq/Len: 19.16

Paralog alert: 0.79 [within 20: 0.07] - ratio of genomes with paralogs
Cluster includes: EXBD TOLR
GREMLIN Results:

Legend: The darker and larger the blue dots, the higher coevolution strength.

Residue pairs sorted by coevolution strength:
i j Scaled Score Prob
69_S 73_Q 3.673 1.00
113_K 118_D 2.907 1.00
92_V 129_S 2.529 1.00
117_Y 137_L 2.524 1.00
70_G 114_D 2.387 1.00
118_D 122_K 2.367 1.00
19_V 22_L 2.328 1.00
119_E 122_K 2.166 1.00
117_Y 120_I 2.042 1.00
87_P 90_Q 2.009 1.00
73_Q 85_R 1.995 1.00
69_S 75_T 1.858 1.00
68_V 123_A 1.85 1.00
81_D 94_E 1.789 1.00
17_N 27_V 1.785 1.00
29_L 32_F 1.774 1.00
95_V 127_L 1.713 1.00
116_P 119_E 1.69 1.00
94_E 97_S 1.689 1.00
99_F 132_V 1.669 1.00
18_I 22_L 1.656 1.00
88_P 119_E 1.636 1.00
121_I 125_N 1.635 1.00
92_V 96_S 1.629 1.00
74_Y 123_A 1.621 1.00
27_V 31_I 1.6 1.00
102_N 105_T 1.514 1.00
16_I 27_V 1.378 0.99
95_V 132_V 1.375 0.99
45_V 67_E 1.372 0.99
25_L 28_L 1.347 0.99
47_L 117_Y 1.292 0.99
26_L 31_I 1.287 0.99
88_P 122_K 1.285 0.99
88_P 126_L 1.282 0.99
90_Q 94_E 1.257 0.99
19_V 27_V 1.249 0.99
111_G 120_I 1.211 0.98
125_N 128_H 1.201 0.98
72_G 119_E 1.195 0.98
111_G 117_Y 1.177 0.98
22_L 26_L 1.173 0.98
93_A 96_S 1.167 0.97
16_I 23_D 1.153 0.97
107_F 132_V 1.15 0.97
30_L 33_M 1.15 0.97
66_V 76_V 1.146 0.97
115_V 119_E 1.137 0.97
19_V 23_D 1.131 0.97
18_I 31_I 1.128 0.97
27_V 37_P 1.113 0.96
66_V 127_L 1.11 0.96
94_E 98_R 1.099 0.96
45_V 112_A 1.076 0.95
67_E 110_G 1.065 0.95
17_N 31_I 1.051 0.94
72_G 115_V 1.041 0.94
107_F 127_L 1.032 0.94
19_V 37_P 1.017 0.93
23_D 36_A 1.015 0.93
96_S 100_K 1.006 0.93
21_L 31_I 1.004 0.93
Legend: The i and j are positions as given in the UniProt sequence. Only predictions with Scaled Score = (raw_score/average(raw_scores)) > 1 are listed. For all 3L/2 predictions, click on one of the links below.
HHsearch Results: GREMLIN results overlayed on top 10 PDB hits:
Legend: Blue filled circles are GREMLIN results (Scaled_score >1). The grey/red filled circles underneath are pdb residue contacts (min distance < 5 Angstroms). The shade of the circles is based on 10 HHsearch results which uses the overall probability and per-site alignment prob. Inter oligomeric contacts in the pdb are in shades of red.
PDB Chains Cov P(%) HHΔ   Acc
2pfuA10.66999.70.481Contact Map0.475
2jwkA20.485999.20.601Contact Map0.574
2w3zA10.9507460.891Contact Map0.239
3ghfA10.570430.50.901Contact Map0.509
1hf2A40.521123.30.907Contact Map0.446
3l8cA20.401419.60.91Contact Map0.413
2obbA10.528213.50.916Contact Map0.423
3fceA10.380311.90.918Contact Map0.447
4narA10.46489.60.922Contact Map0.375
1t5hX10.38739.40.922Contact Map0.358

Sequence Conservation (Image Generated using WebLogo v3)
Legend: Color is used to show Hydrophobicity (Blue: Hydrophilic, Green: Neutral and Black: Hydrophobic). Amount of gaps is represented by width.

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