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UniProt: P0A862 - P64432
Seq/Len: 0.00
I_Prob: 0.00
GREMLIN Results (Scaled_score > 1):

Legend: The darker and larger the blue dots, the higher strength in coevolution.

Residue pairs sorted by strength in coevolution signal:
i j Scaled Score I_Prob
Legend: The i (protein A) and j (protein B) are positions as given in the UniProt sequences. The value of the raw score is the function of the learning procedure, L2 normalization and APC (entropic) correction.

Scaled Score = raw_score/average(raw_scores)
I_Prob = P(contact | scaled_score, seq/len, top_inter_score)

Text file of predictions
(includes both intra and inter preds)

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