GREMLIN results (Scaled_score > 1):
Figure 4: The darker and larger the blue dots, the higher strength in coevolution.
Inter Residue pairs sorted by strength in coevolution signal:
Figure 5: The i (protein A) and j (protein B) are positions as given in the query sequences.
Scaled Score = raw_score/average(raw_scores)
Prob = P(contact | scaled_score, seq/len)
I_Prob = P(contact | scaled_score, seq/len, top_inter_score)
WARNING: The input alignment may be corrupted!
- Sequence A is very similar to Sequence B (HHΔ = 0.066), these maybe paralogs! HHΔ is a measure (0 to 1) of how different two alignments are (the larger the value the more different they are).