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UniProt: P0A6E4 - P77581
Length: 853
Sequences: 514
Seq/Len: 0.65
I_Prob: 0.00

ASSY - Argininosuccinate synthase
Paralog alert: 0.03 [within 20: 0.00] - ratio of genomes with paralogs
Cluster includes: ASSY
ASTC - Succinylornithine transaminase
Paralog alert: 0.89 [within 20: 0.11] - ratio of genomes with paralogs
GREMLIN Results (Scaled_score > 1):

Legend: The darker and larger the blue dots, the higher strength in coevolution.

Residue pairs sorted by strength in coevolution signal:
i j Scaled Score I_Prob
159_D 192_I 1.19 0.00
357_T 329_F 1.09 0.00
45_L 323_N 1.02 0.00
42_T 308_V 1.01 0.00
353_A 380_N 1.00 0.00
126_W 86_L 0.99 0.00
310_G 225_V 0.93 0.00
86_Q 192_I 0.92 0.00
109_V 273_M 0.91 0.00
126_W 262_A 0.90 0.00
171_E 46_G 0.90 0.00
257_D 154_Y 0.89 0.00
153_I 24_I 0.88 0.00
237_V 386_V 0.87 0.00
15_G 365_V 0.86 0.00
354_S 243_V 0.85 0.00
222_G 243_V 0.85 0.00
262_L 27_R 0.84 0.00
273_L 189_V 0.84 0.00
237_V 393_F 0.84 0.00
113_M 144_F 0.83 0.00
130_S 49_A 0.82 0.00
175_F 33_L 0.82 0.00
234_A 302_P 0.82 0.00
253_T 192_I 0.82 0.00
248_A 384_E 0.81 0.00
278_Q 282_Y 0.81 0.00
256_D 205_F 0.81 0.00
154_Y 116_A 0.81 0.00
237_V 29_E 0.80 0.00
353_A 205_F 0.80 0.00
257_D 83_V 0.79 0.00
305_E 288_A 0.79 0.00
362_L 211_E 0.79 0.00
330_L 256_G 0.79 0.00
397_S 177_S 0.79 0.00
279_I 255_G 0.79 0.00
25_S 33_L 0.79 0.00
177_I 253_A 0.77 0.00
362_L 207_Q 0.77 0.00
330_L 177_S 0.76 0.00
276_S 288_A 0.76 0.00
273_L 71_F 0.76 0.00
357_T 174_N 0.76 0.00
242_E 188_I 0.76 0.00
153_I 308_V 0.76 0.00
154_Y 64_L 0.76 0.00
38_P 182_D 0.75 0.00
14_I 382_S 0.75 0.00
391_K 130_G 0.75 0.00
221_M 55_H 0.75 0.00
148_N 177_S 0.74 0.00
239_V 46_G 0.74 0.00
35_G 373_V 0.74 0.00
151_L 128_K 0.74 0.00
233_P 62_E 0.74 0.00
180_G 341_C 0.74 0.00
122_G 203_N 0.73 0.00
250_N 27_R 0.73 0.00
34_K 212_L 0.73 0.00
174_E 189_V 0.73 0.00
248_A 115_L 0.73 0.00
30_W 358_A 0.73 0.00
271_H 217_N 0.73 0.00
175_F 131_I 0.73 0.00
260_M 64_L 0.72 0.00
247_V 244_T 0.72 0.00
85_I 176_A 0.72 0.00
239_V 390_L 0.72 0.00
153_I 74_T 0.72 0.00
120_E 70_K 0.72 0.00
147_T 34_W 0.72 0.00
45_L 102_C 0.72 0.00
275_M 118_K 0.71 0.00
234_A 216_H 0.71 0.00
326_Q 289_S 0.71 0.00
242_E 321_T 0.71 0.00
39_Y 303_E 0.70 0.00
299_L 235_L 0.70 0.00
270_R 181_D 0.70 0.00
18_F 386_V 0.70 0.00
357_T 313_D 0.70 0.00
348_L 200_P 0.70 0.00
113_M 143_L 0.70 0.00
247_V 312_H 0.70 0.00
150_E 313_D 0.70 0.00
278_Q 280_T 0.70 0.00
360_V 128_K 0.69 0.00
401_R 191_P 0.69 0.00
236_E 155_S 0.69 0.00
Legend: The i (protein A) and j (protein B) are positions as given in the UniProt sequences. The value of the raw score is the function of the learning procedure, L2 normalization and APC (entropic) correction.

Scaled Score = raw_score/average(raw_scores)
I_Prob = P(contact | scaled_score, seq/len, top_inter_score)

Text file of predictions
(includes both intra and inter preds)

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